Jazz Template Library (T-Mobile w/ Piktorlabs)
Product Design Lead managing a team one designer, and three developers.
Jazz manages the deployment and upkeep of server-less applications built within the T-Mobile Ecosystem. It's a simple yet powerful platform where developers can select from preconceived templates designed to jumpstart the deployment process while guiding developers around best practices.
The Problem
Developers needed more guidance on best practices for service creation. Before the sever-less marketplace developers who wanted to utilize sever-less deployment in their projects found it frustrating to debug known limitations, between platforms, plug-ins and coding languages.
I coordinated a team of designers and developers across time zones to take this project from strategy to deployment. Working with a team in India posed some time challenges and long nights.
We began by identifying the opportunity in the form of "How Might We' questions. We also jumped into a comprehensive analysis of other platforms.
We defined two main user groups, T-Mobile Developers and application managers, both with specific needs within the application.
Outcome - What does success look like?
Because this is a relatively new project the data aren't in yet... So in the meantime I've set up a structure to know what we should look for.
At least 30% of newly created applications should be made from templates
A reduction of 50% month over month, in questions to Jazz management in the form of slack messages, emails and help requests.
A 50% increase in successful deployments on the first attempt
To land at a seamless solution we mapped the journey of a typical service creation.
We found these key insights which resulted in our high fidelity design
Developers needed to be guided into proper architecture of a new services and needed context around which platforms and coding languages were utilized in each teamplte. Different versions for various platforms were also available.
Once selected, users should be able to set additional parameter to truly activate, copying doesn’t generate a fully functioning application
4. Developers should be able to…Efficiently search and create new services from Jazz. Search is a curated resource of templates to help kick start their project
Developers should be able to…Efficiently search and create new services from JazzSearch a curated resource of templates to help kick start their project